Listening to: The Way You Are - DBSK
Feeling: Tired
Well, it's been a long day. Nothing interesting happened, but energy draining nevertheless. It's been a while since I last posted anything that had to do with art or crafts, but I did do a few, so I'll post them here:
Staring off with my clay cellphone straps:
1. Mameshiba~~~ I love making these! They're really cute and simple to make. :3
2. My current cellphone strap (this picture doesn't have the strap attached since I took it off)
3. My gift to my friend, LW since she loves Doctor Who. It's supposed to be a Tardis (you can look up the actual thing if you're interested to see what it's supposed to be). Made this the night before the party and I'm pleased that I was able to do a fairly decent job in 3 hours (mainly waiting for it to bake, for paint to dry and for glaze to dry).
Onto my art club drawings/doodling:
1. I'm actually quite proud of my naked man. He actually looks pretty good. I can't draw back views to save my life. It looks like he has no butt. These two grid drawings were to get us familiar with their proportions, so we wouldn't butcher them like we've done so in the past.
2. Not so proud of my naked woman. Too many damn curves. I prefer drawing angles and lines rather than curves.
3. Warmup drawing of Doraemon. The first one was where I didn't exactly remember what Doraemon looked like, so I googled him and afterwards, kind of half-hearted did some warmup exercises.
4. More warmup exercises where we were told to draw game controllers. Drew an xbox controller and a really old joystick.
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