Feeling: Content
Not a lot of stuff have happened in the past three weeks, but it's been enjoyable. I finally got to see The Book Thief Movie starring Sophie Nelisse and Geoffrey Rush with my high school friend, LW. It was quite a good movie-book adaptation, but as always, there were a few things that they changed and a few things I wished they had included. But in general, I thought it was fairly well done. I also made Adventure Time crafts for my friend since she's a big fan of the show. I think it took about 6 hours for the two of them as it was my first time making cube-shaped crafts, but it was a fun experience and I thought they turned out pretty good.
Jake and Finn
I also got together with university friends, MF, KL and LL for a Thieving Santa get together and I ended up with a game of Dungeons and Dragons. It took us about 4 hours to finish creating our characters and haven't started the actual game, but it was a unique experience. I hope we get to play the game sometime. The event ended up being a sleepover and as always, those are always the best. What would have been better was if I hadn't been coughing a lung out. Glad to say that I'm doing a lot better now.
Christmas is usually a quiet time of the year for my family as we treat it like any normal day, but on Boxing Day, I did get quite a few things... mainly movies, but I'm quite happy with my purchases. I also got new sneakers! I had a hard time deciding between really cool high tops and cute sneakers, but eventually just went with the sneakers for a change of pace.
So what else have I been doing for the whole break? Mainly watching some sort of entertainment every day. For the past week, it was usually movies. Finally saw Inception, even though it's been sitting in my closet for months. It was actually really good and I wish I saw it sooner. This Means War, Now You See Me (again), Atonement and Life of Pi (again) are some of the other ones I've seen. At the moment, I've just been watching Heirs, the popular k-drama from this year, and hoping to finish it soon. Although it's not too different from the other chaebol dramas I've seen, I still like it because it stars Park Shin Hye and Lee Minho. Totally love Kim Won and Yoon Chan Young even though they're supporting characters... they're just so dynamic. :)
There's not much more to add and I'm pretty satisfied that I'm getting quite a lot of my Winter Break list done. A little disappointed that I won't be able to reach my reading goal by the end of this year (currently at 60/70 books), but hope to do better next year.
There's not much more to add and I'm pretty satisfied that I'm getting quite a lot of my Winter Break list done. A little disappointed that I won't be able to reach my reading goal by the end of this year (currently at 60/70 books), but hope to do better next year.