Books + Coffee = Happiness

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

First World Problems

Listening to: Burn It to the Ground - Nickelback
Feeling: Exasperated
Some of my problems seem pretty insignificant to many others out there, but sometimes it's nice to let out some steam or in my case, a big sigh of disappointment, so I'll let out my issues here.

1) I saw these really cool Converse Two-Folds the other day at Foot Locker. They come in blue or red with various coverings. They were only $80 and there was a promotion going on, which included buy one, get second half off. And it just happens that my sister was also looking for a pair of shoes. So technically, I could get my Converses for $60+tax. So today, when I dragged my family into the store, my dad said he'd get them for me if I liked them, since I've been thinking of getting new shoes for a while now. The problem? When I tried them on, they were harder than I thought. I'm used to my super comfy Adidas (I swear, every pair of Adidas shoes that I've ever tried on are super comfy), so my feet protested at the discomfort of the Converses. WHY OH WHY? So, unfortunately, they had to go back onto the shelf.

 (They look kinda like this)

2) Today was the release day of two books that I've been waiting for. The problem? Even after nearly a day of impatient waiting, I go online to search for the titles to realize that Chapters doesn't have them in store!!! POURQUOI?! I need to know what happens to Varen Nethers! AGH. -lets out frustrated scream- I had been wanting to buy it (even as a hardcover) to read on my road trip. Because what else is there to do? The other book is an anthology with a  short story regarding the Vampire Academy world with Rose and Dimitri going to Russia. It's feels like forever since we've had anything with the two of them. Sighhhhhh. 

(The pink princess and the guy who reads Edgar Allan Poe)

3) My never-seen-before aunt is over visiting from Australia. The problem? I can't get out to see my friends. And unfortunately, school starts next week.

(I understand how you feel, Calvin. I do indeed)

4) With visiting family, it's eating out every day... sometimes for multiple meals, like today. The problem? I'm gonna go up a few pounds after this is all over... X_X Time to hit the gym!

I coulda sworn there were more stuff to complain about, but I guess that's it for this post.

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