Books + Coffee = Happiness

Friday, 7 September 2012

First Week of School is done

Listening to: To Glory - Two Steps from Hell
Feeling: Tired
Well, I've been back from my four day road trip with my family and visiting aunt. I think I'm going to reassess my thoughts about liking road trips since before this one, I haven't had any for the past few years, so I didn't remember what they were like. I'll do a post about my trip later, when I'm not too lazy to put up some picture collages.

First week back is almost refreshing. I'm a second year now and it's kind of nostalgic seeing all the first years mingle around, trying to find their way on campus. I'm delighted to know that I have at least one friend in each of the four classes that I'm taking. Out of them all, the most would be in my organic chemistry class. The majority of them are friends from the first two semesters and a few are from last semester. I was surprised to find a guy (that was in my orientation group last year and haven't seen since) who remembered me, since I was at a different campus and it was just strange, but it was good since we're in the same major. 

Today's morning started out pretty good. Met a friend from last semester (who is also in my organic chemistry) on the train ride to school. Then because I was an hour early to my lecture (better early than late, right?), I decided to chill in my favorite study area and I saw not one, but two raccoons! One of them was the usual raccoon, that I have named Dimitri/Dimka but I starting to think that perhaps Dimka is actually female, so another name is needed and what seemed to be a younger raccoon with light brown fur that nearly looked white in the sun. Perhaps they are mother and cub? Or adult male and female? They were really cute swimming in the fish-free pond and wrestling with each other. This totally made my day. :)

So much to do this weekend. I should really crack open those textbooks and get reading as it'd prepare me better for my classes. I'll do that tomorrow rather than go out with my family and aunt to tourist attractions in the mainland. Then on Sunday, I'll be going to a lake with my family and aunt in the morning/day while the evening will be spent on a local amusement park with family again as well as some high school friends. Looking forward to it!

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